Due to popular demand might as well get this going. will be August, exact dates to be confirmed but if we go by this years dates will be around wk beginning 15th or 22nd august if that's ok with everyone. the only thing that might delay it, is seeing if the ring is open and the GP track as well, on those dates, but even going by last time they changed the opening times of the ring last minute as well.
1. Danny +1 twin room
2. Bob and Clare double room
3. bucky + bill twin room
4. steve + lianne dble room
5 ben +emma dble room
6. papajohn
7. Rich + paul?? twin room
1. Danny +1 twin room
2. Bob and Clare double room
3. bucky + bill twin room
4. steve + lianne dble room
5 ben +emma dble room
6. papajohn
7. Rich + paul?? twin room