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Section 59

Gaz GTiR
10 posters

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1Section 59 Empty Section 59 24th August 2013, 1:26 am

Gaz GTiR

Gaz GTiR

Yep you guess'd it, ive got a Section 59 Mad 

Overtook a car doing 20mph in a 40 zone..... Next thing this black under cover cop car comes up behind me with his fancy neon lights flashing Rolling Eyes 

He asked why I overtook the car so I explaind it was doing 20 in a 40 so I overtook it & stuck to 40 myself... He said he didn't like my MANNOR of overtaking! They were his exact words!

So I replyed "I didn't realise there was a law against how fast you get to the speed limit just aslong as you don't go over it" & guess what, he did not know what to say to that so gave me a section 59 instead! Evil or Very Mad 

TOSSERS the lot of them, just because they wear a badge saying POLICE they think there above everyone else.

Bully victims in school the lot of them!

2Section 59 Empty Re: Section 59 24th August 2013, 5:51 am



No he simply didn't like the car you was over taking them in. They wonder why people can't stand the police and its because of jumped up bellend like that.

3Section 59 Empty Re: Section 59 24th August 2013, 6:07 am



What does that incur, 3 points and a fine?

4Section 59 Empty Re: Section 59 24th August 2013, 7:47 am


the one star club
the one star club

gutted, you have gotta be careful these days they will do you for anything!

5Section 59 Empty Re: Section 59 24th August 2013, 7:58 am


the two star club
the two star club

Isn't a section 59 a warning from police to behave that lasts 12 months ..   No points just a warning

6Section 59 Empty Re: Section 59 24th August 2013, 9:44 am



yeah whats a section 59?

once again he probably thought you was a joy rider gaz, you need to get a booster seat fitted in there Laughing 

seriously though the old bill can be complete and utter twats, I witnessed that first hand when you was behind my gtr near Thurrock and the police was behind you, I said to clare they were gonna pull you over and you was doing nothing wrong and we were both sticking to the speed limit, then sure enough they did for no reason whatsoever Rolling Eyes

7Section 59 Empty Re: Section 59 24th August 2013, 10:36 am



Section 59 can either be put on yourself or the car or both its basicly a good behaviour  bond  for 12 months  and if you break that bond they can take away your license or cease your car depending on what the section 59 was put on the car or yourself ..... i do believe you aquire the privelage of a section 59 from driving without due care and attention .....  in other words like gaz has found out its down to the policemans discretion ..... in a short it was bought in to calm boy racers . Twats the police .

8Section 59 Empty Re: Section 59 24th August 2013, 10:51 am



i got stopped last year be a copper
i had never seen road rage by a copper before she was a fat ugly little midget copper and as i overtook her she started shaking the steering wheel and shouting.then followed me to work almost drove into the back of me twice once when i braked for a corner and once when i slowed to 30
she even got a high speed pursuit car to catch me but as i wasnt speeding he never stopped me
eventually followed me into work ask why i overtook in the rain and told her she was driving dangerously and thought it safer to get past then gave me a half a dozen reasons why she was driving like that
though she liked it even less when i told her to get back in her car and fuck off
could have been personal as id had a few encounters with her in the past

9Section 59 Empty Re: Section 59 24th August 2013, 11:23 am


I got one of those a few years back. I was giving the car some beans and the police were going in the other direction, anyway they turned round and caught up, pulled me over and tried to make me admit speeding! They couldn't prove it so dished out the 59.
Its basically a way of the old bill getting you if they dont like the look of you or your car .

10Section 59 Empty Re: Section 59 24th August 2013, 1:52 pm

Gaz GTiR

Gaz GTiR

Yep section 59 is where I have to drive like an angel for 12 months. or if I get stopped again they issue another 1 & a 3rd 1 they take the car off you...

Funny thing was, he said he wont put it on the system till today as he's finished his shift now & going home... So guess he thought he would just get 1 more pull, i.e ME before he went home. Just so he had something to wank about when he got home! Mad 

Bob... like you say they had no reason to pull me at Thurrock, it was good that they did as the car could well of been stolen with it being so far away from where its registerd! & a 12 year old looking lad driving it Laughing 
But they were sound copperas & I didn't mind them. Its just arseholes with no respect that get on my tits..

11Section 59 Empty Re: Section 59 24th August 2013, 3:26 pm



There is a limited few coppers that are ok but majority are just bellends that seem to forget that they are not the law they are there to enforce it ......bunch of pricks Evil or Very Mad

12Section 59 Empty Re: Section 59 24th August 2013, 3:41 pm

Gaz GTiR

Gaz GTiR

nomad wrote:There is a limited few coppers that are ok but majority are just bellends that seem to forget that they are not the law they are there to enforce it ......bunch of pricks Evil or Very Mad
Couldn't agree more mate :chop 

13Section 59 Empty Re: Section 59 24th August 2013, 4:10 pm



Can you tell i bave the upmost respect for the police Razz

14Section 59 Empty Re: Section 59 24th August 2013, 6:54 pm



where i live the ex local copper was probably the only decent copper ive ever come across.

15Section 59 Empty Re: Section 59 24th August 2013, 7:16 pm

Gaz GTiR

Gaz GTiR

A decent copper dousnt exist around here, & that's no joke :/

16Section 59 Empty Re: Section 59 25th August 2013, 3:54 pm



Hi Gaz,

Can you not appeal against it? Surely they cant just hand them out like sweets!!? If you can honestly say you were doing nothing wrong, then I cant see how they could enforce it!! I certainly wouldnt accept it thats for sure!!

17Section 59 Empty Re: Section 59 25th August 2013, 4:02 pm

Gaz GTiR

Gaz GTiR

I don't think id stand a chance as he's already issued it out to me & put it on the system. I should of said when he pulled me that I want to take it to court.
But it wouldn't be worth the court fees if I didn't get away with it, If he had given me points then it may have been worth going to appeal it in court Embarassed 

18Section 59 Empty Re: Section 59 25th August 2013, 4:14 pm


the one star club
the one star club

I got a section 59 aka driving ASBO a wile back, apparently I went through a red light wich was very amber indeed lol, I never run red lights so it pissed me off when they accused me of it!

There were two undercover coppers that pulled me, an older guy who was ok and a young lad that was the biggest bell end you could ever meet, I wish I could of punched him with the way he was talking to me, saying I was stupid and didn't deserve a licence and that they should be taking my licence from me! I'd like to know how they would of been able to do that!

All I did was accelerate into the overtaking lane as the lights began to change so I carried on accelerating upto the speed limit (maybe a fraction over) to go through the lights instead of going hard on the breaks to stop on amber. The reason they stopped me was because I was a young lad in town were all the boy racers drive at night with a loud car and loud music, I think the fact my clio was a 2litre didn't help, I bet they thought I was thrashing the living daylights out of a 1.2 Clio lol

They put the ASBO on me and the car and told me if I get stopped again the car will be impounded and it will cost £500 to get t back and £50 for everyday it's in the impound, they never mentioned anything about getting another section 59 to me, they just said the car will be seized if they see me or the car driving how they consider erratically.

In my opinion it's a money making scam, just think how many young lads cars they impound!

Sorry for the long reply but the corrupt b@st@rds make my blood boil! Evil or Very Mad 

19Section 59 Empty Re: Section 59 25th August 2013, 4:24 pm

Gaz GTiR

Gaz GTiR

I know where your coming from mate, ive had a few pulls where there has been no need for it.

Like you say there just corrupt & they get payed now on how much crime/illegal activaty they stop, so its all money to them as they've nothing better to do thatn harras innocent people so they get a good wage. No consideration for anyone!

And traffic cops are only traffic cops because there to much of a pu**y to fight real crime that actualy needs stopping.

Like I say there all the bully victims from school getting there own back on society Rolling Eyes

20Section 59 Empty Re: Section 59 25th August 2013, 4:36 pm


the one star club
the one star club

Yep too right! They're all over zealous stuck up cunts that think they are better Han everyone else, the police are supposed to help people not make their lives worse!

To be fair to the there are a few good ones out there, it's a rarity but they do exsist and we would be screwed without them!

Ive met one decent copper in all my life, he pulled me for racing arround Mansfield circuit the day I passed my test Embarassed 
He could of took my licence off me but didn't, instead he followed me home and grassed me up to my mum and dad Haha.
He was fair though and just gave me a warning and said he can remember the day he passed his test, he said it wasn't quite as fast as I was driving but he understood what it's like to be young.

Even my dad said he was a decent bloke and honestly if you knew my old mad you would be in shock if you heard him say that about a copper lol but he could of seriously fucked things up for me if he had done me for it but he didn't Smile 

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