Next Issue i had was poor battery voltage. Measuring the voltage at the alternator was what i expected, 14.2 volts at idle when cold and 13.8 volts when the hot. The voltage at the injectors, ECU and battery was .35 volts lower. Might not seam like a issue but im very picky, as volts push Amps though Ohms every bit helps. I suppose it like fitting extra earth kits to reduce resistance and improve operation.
As i have moved my battery to the boot, wired in new and extra relay/ fuses there are more connections each with its own small voltage drop. With most alternators there are 3 wires one big ass one that goes to the battery, another is used for the dash light and the 3rd being the sense wire. This sense wire is what the alternator uses as a signal to regulate the output voltage. Now because i have this connection without all the extra connections when i measure the voltage at the battery it always lower than the alternator output. Once i moved this wire input to the back of the car at the relay box the voltage at the battery was now reading 14.2-13.8 volts. After searching around i found guys had come up with a solution to trick the alternator to read less than what it was actually was. With high current draw at low RPM this increased the voltage back up to the 14.2-13.8 volts at the battery even tho the alternator was outputting 14.5 volts.
By using a 1000 volt 3A diode you can increase the voltage approx .3 volt There seem to be plenty of threads online about the mod some for some against. By moving my sense wire i didn't need to use a diode but i have one wired in the jumper plug ready to go if the alternator goes sad. Next issue latter